Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dark City

Wow this movie was good. The plot was truly amazing. I've never really been into the whole alien/sci-fi type of movie but the dark city does a good job of balancing the whole alien aspect with ideas of humanity and how we work.

In my opinion, the most powerful point in the film is when John tells the Strangers that they were looking in the wrong place if they wanted to find out about humanity. Its not what's in our heads, but what's in our hearts, that makes us a unique species.

The whole idea of perpetual night is what gives Dark City its film-noir vibe. because without that, i wouldn't say this movie reflects what a film-noir movie is.

I think the directors cut of the movie is superior to the regular version for two reasons: no narration in the beginning, and the tuning doesn't come till later. The idea of not knowing what the hell is going on really grabs the audience and keeps them on the edge of their seat, hoping to learn more. We learn information, piece by piece, and when the truth is revealed you get that feeling of oh wow what the heck i never could have guessed that.

So if its not clear, Dark City gets two thumbs up in my book

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Asphalt Jungle

This movie is the first real mobster type of movie that ive seen apart from the godfather. Its a pretty good movie, not one of my favorites but it does have moments that grab my interest. The heist itself was very interesting to me and got my heart racing a bit. The thrill of it all is captivating and the director did a very good job of making the audience feel the tension and fear of being caught. But of course they didnt get caught (right away) because that would just be no fun!

My favorite character in this movie is Dix. This is because hes smart and trustworthy. Every time he is on screen he is strong, always with a stern look on his face. It is clear to see he is not a guy to mess with. One thing i dislike about his character is how he treats women. If it wasnt for Doll, dix would more than likely be dead at the railroad tracks. I'm interested to see how this movie will end because at this point everything seems up in the air